
sha na na na (repeat)


I like the holiday time for many reasons but mostly because it brings out-of-towners back into town...friends that have moved away and are coming back for a little bit to visit family who are still down here. And it's nice to see those friends and always good to have them remind me of my goals...and the fact that I am still procrastinating.

It'd be nice if I could be discovered...if (ala a Mr. Show sketch) a literary agent would just come knocking on my door...but, that is not going to happen.

A friend I haven't seen for awhile suggested that I write every day, that I blog something every day...that even if it's crap (not his words), at least it's something. Which is true. Since I found out I'm going to be an Odd Duck sponsor, I told myself that I really need to blog weekly, just to keep fresh content up, but, no, it needs to be daily. Like brushing your teeth or drinking that first cup of coffee.

He also suggested that I needed to find my 'niche.' I thought I had a niche - writing about me and all the things I find interesting...but I understand what he meant...I need to focus. I know that I like over analyzing myself and situations and how I performed in said situations, etc...but, is that a blog? Well, it is a blog, but is it a readable, interesting blog? Should being a readable, interesting blog even be my goal, since the whole point is to write daily? If I'm writing just to write, shouldn't I not care about an (imagined) audience? (see? over analyzing)

I also enjoy complaining...I mean criticizing...films and television and music and stupid people. A Simon Cowell of blogging/writing. Yup.

So, yes, that's it. In the past, I was leery of declaring something in writing, as that made it real and, inevitably, up for jinxing...but, yes, I am going to write daily here. And it will probably mostly be me, prattling on about past events or something...but that's ok...and once I get the e-book self publishing down, I'll start plugging it here too...

(bonus points if you guess the title reference)

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