
poetry in cars

What's it been - almost a full week of almost daily posts? Go me!

Two thoughts (I ought to split these for two posts...but...no).

I just finished watching Off the Charts: the Song-Poem Story (2003). It's a great little documentary about music and kitsch and the pursuit of fame...I remember the ads that used to run (do they still?) about music producers wanting your poems, to turn into chart topping songs. I was always tempted but never submitted anything. Apparently, regardless how bad a poem you sent in, you would get back an offer to record your song (you pay a fee, of course). The film covers the hopefuls that mail poems in (including one kind of sad story with a man who tries to go out on tour and doesn't do very well) as well as the people who 'produce' them. Really, they (for the most part) give some care to what they are recording, as off the wall as some of it is. One of the poem writers was a kung-fu, guns and Jesus enthusiast (reminiscent of Napoleon Dynamite, minus the Jesus stuff). He's sent in several poems to be turned into songs, including one explaining his love for the late Annie Oakley (technically, he loves her spirit, he explains). As goofy as he is, he is actually sweet and...I can't laugh because he's doing creative stuff and actually getting it produced and now he was in a film. So, there you go.

And next thought - I hate driving now. Dread it almost. I used to love a road trip...love to take aimless drives to where ever...there's a show an hour away? I'll drive! But, lately, my weekly 45 minute trip to and 45 minute trip back to campus for a class just...argh...I hate it...I hate the traffic (there's not much), I hate the distance (it's only 45 minutes, really not that awful), I hate the bumpy roads (they are pretty bad). So, this time, I made myself listen to the '70s station on XM and not turn it (as, typically, I would tend to flip stations, carefully, after every song). And that made it not so terrible.

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